By sourcing data from the NHS, UK Biobank, and similar resources outside the UK, it is possible to access large banks of reliable anonymised data with ethical approval. We build complex profiles combining three forms of data:
Genomic data is information that determines how genes behave and interact.
Our AI capabilities allow us to process multiple aspects of genomic data, including metabolomics (how the metabolism works on a cellular level), proteomics (the influence of proteins within a cell), transcriptomics (analysing the function of RNA within a cell) and epigenomics (studying how genes are switched on or off).
Histopathological data comes from examining tissue samples under a microscope or with a very high-resolution camera.
Samples of cancerous tissue are cut into micro-thin slices in a lab, then stained with dyes to allow parts of the cells to be seen more clearly. Our AI tools identify unique patterns that give us information about the cancer.
Clinical data is a collection of information about an individual patient. This can include basic details of gender, age and ethnicity and environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as family and medical history.